The red Maserati traveled at a speed of 120km/h for 5 hours one day. The green Ford Pickup traveled at a speed of 74km/h for 6 hours the sam

The red Maserati traveled at a speed of 120km/h for 5 hours one day. The green Ford Pickup traveled at a speed of 74km/h for 6 hours the same day. Find the difference in the distance traveled by two vehicles.

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  1. Answer:


    Step-by-step explanation:

    Given data

    The red Maserati traveled at a speed of 120km/h for 5 hours one day.

    Distance = speed*time

    Distance= 120*5

    Distance= 600km

    The green Ford Pickup traveled at a speed of 74km/h for 6 hours

    Distance = speed*time

    Distance= 74*6

    Distance= 444km

    Hence the difference is




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