The height, in inches, of each of three boys is 54.0, 48.5, and 46.0, respectively. The height of the fourth boy is denoted by h inches. The

The height, in inches, of each of three boys is 54.0, 48.5, and 46.0, respectively. The height of the fourth boy is denoted by h inches. The average height, A, of the 4 boys can be expressed as a function of h in the form:
A(h) = (c + h)/d

1. What is the domain for the function A(h)?
2. The average height of all 4 boys is 50.5 inches. What is the height of the fourth boy?

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  1. Answer:


    Step-by-step explanation:

    c = the height of the first 3 boys.

    c = 54 + 48.5 + 46

    c = 148.5

    Now you add a fourth boy. His height is h.

    A(h)= (c + h)/d      

    d = the total number of boys which is 4.

    The new average is 50.5

    A = (c + h)/d

    50.5 = (148.5 + h) / 4            Multiply both sides by 4

    202 = 148.5 + h                    Now subtract 148.5 from both sides

    202 – 148.5 = h

    h = 53.5


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