Situation: Tickets to a baseball game are $20 for an adult and $15 for a student. On Saturdays there is a 3 dollar discount on tic

Situation: Tickets to a baseball game are $20 for an adult and $15 for a student. On Saturdays there is a 3 dollar discount on tickets. Create 3 problems and solve 1 of them.

1 thought on “Situation: Tickets to a baseball game are $20 for an adult and $15 for a student. On Saturdays there is a 3 dollar discount on tic”

  1. problem 1. Three students and one adult went to the baseball game on a Saturday, how much was their total bill?

    problem 2. Five students and five adults went to the baseball game on a Monday, how much was their total bill?

    problem 3: One student and two adults went to the baseball game on a Friday, how much was their total bill?

    answer: their total bill was $55

    explanation: two adults ($20 + $20 = $40) + one student ($40 + $15 = $55) the discount does not apply because they did not attend the baseball game on a Saturday


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