When a chemical reaction occurs with only one substance, what happens to the atoms of that substance?


When a chemical reaction occurs with only one substance, what happens to the atoms of that substance?

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Kim Chi 4 years 2021-07-19T07:16:57+00:00 2 Answers 58 views 0

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    Answer:when a chemical reaction occurs with only one substance, the atoms of that substance rearranges to form new bonds to make the products.

    Explanation: During chemical reaction, the bonds between the reactants are broken and the atom bonds in new ways to form products that are chemically and physically different from the reactants.

    Example is the breakdown reaction of hydrogen peroxide(the reactant) into water and oxygen( products). Here, 2 molecules of hydrogen peroxide is broken down to form 2 molecules of water and one molecule of oxygen. The atoms that started out in the hydrogen peroxide molecules are rearranged to form water molecules and oxygen molecules.



    The atoms of the substance are rearranged


    When a chemical reaction involves only one substance, the atoms of the reactant substance rearranges to yield the product substance(s).

    Chemical bonds in the reactant substance are broken and new bonds are formed as the atoms in the reactant substance forms the product substance (s).

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