What will be the mass of a body at the center of the earth as compared to other places on the earth?


What will be the mass of a body at the center of the earth as compared to other places on
the earth?

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Hưng Khoa 3 years 2021-08-25T18:05:53+00:00 2 Answers 53 views 0

Answers ( )


    The mass of the object does not change by moving it to another place. … At the center of the earth the net gravitational force is zero, so the weight will be zero, but its masses will remain same. Hence the mass at the centre of earth will be equl to 50 kg.



    The mass of the object does not change by moving it to another place. … At the center of the earth the net gravitational force is zero, so the weight will be zero, but its masses will remain same. Hence the mass at the centre of earth will be equl to 50 kg.


    It’s because the mass of the object doesn’t change by moving it to next place.

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