What is the energy (in MeV) released in the alpha decay of 231Pa?

What is the energy (in MeV) released in the alpha decay of 231Pa?

0 thoughts on “What is the energy (in MeV) released in the alpha decay of 231Pa?”

  1. Answer: 3729.87MeV


    ²³¹₉₁Pa → ²²⁷₈₉Ac + ⁴₂He

    Molar mass of of He = 4.0

    Number of moles = 1

    Na (Avogadro’s number) = 6.023*10²³ atoms

    Note : 1 mole = molarmass = Avogadro’s number

    Molar mass = 4.000 * 1 = 4g = 4*10^-3 kg

    Mass = (number of moles * molar mass ) / Avogadro’s number.

    Mass = 4.0*10^-3 / 6.023*10^-23

    Mass = 6.64 * 10^-27 kg

    from Einstein’s theory of relativity, energy E and mass m are interconvertible.

    ∇E = ∇mc²

    E = (6.64*10^-27) * (3.0*10⁸)²

    E = 5.98*10^-10J

    1eV = 1.602*10-19J

    XeV = 5.98*10-19J

    X = (5.98*10^-10 * 1) / 1.602*10-19

    X = 37328333958eV

    X = 3729.87MeV


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