What is the common difference and the 5 th term in the arithmetic formula for an=6n+3

What is the common difference and the 5 th term in the arithmetic formula for an=6n+3

0 thoughts on “What is the common difference and the 5 th term in the arithmetic formula for an=6n+3”

  1. Answer:

    Common Difference (d) =6

    5th term = 33

    Step-by-step explanation:

    [tex]a_n= 6n +3…. (given) \\

    Plug\: n = (n +1)\\

    a_{(n+1)}= 6(n+1) +3 = 6n + 6 +3 = 6n + 9\\

    Common \: Difference \: (d) = a_{(n+1)} – a_n\\

    = 6n + 9 – (6n+ 3)\\

    = 6n + 9 – 6n – 3\\

    = 9-3\\

    \red{\boxed{\bold {Common \: Difference \: (d) =6}}} \\

    Plug \: n = 5 \: in\: a_n= 6n +3\: we \: find:\\

    a_5= 6\times 5+3= 30 + 3 = 33\\

    \huge\purple {\boxed {a_5= 33}} \\[/tex]


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