What do the planets have in common and how are they different?


What do the planets have in common and how are they different?

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Acacia 3 years 2021-07-23T00:29:17+00:00 2 Answers 4 views 0

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    They vary quite a lot, yet there are some similarities


    With Mercury, you have a hot and barren expanse of rock

    With Venus, you also have a fairly hot and barren expanse of rock, with a molten core

    With Earth, you have a warm/cool variant with water and a full atmosphere

    With Mars, you have a colder and barren expanse of valleys and rock, with a rather paste-like ground

    With Jupiter, we have our first gas giant, covered in clouds with a thick atmosphere

    With Saturn, it is yet another gas giant, with rings of gas and rock and a dense core of metals, such as iron and nickel

    With Uranus, it is also rather gas-full with a fair amount of water and methane, which results in its bluish color (an ice giant)

    And finally with Neptune, it is the other ice giant, consisting of water, methane, and ammonia

    So there are some similarities (gases, water, land formations, etc.) and some differences (rings, temperature, structure, etc.). Our planets are very unique to one another and continue to engage and surprise us.


    They are all different sizes and distances from the sun, they all rotate around the sun

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