There are 48 new houses being built in a neighborhood. Last month, 1/3 of them were sold. This month, 3/4 of the remaining houses were sold.

There are 48 new houses being built in a neighborhood. Last month, 1/3 of them were sold. This month, 3/4 of the remaining houses were sold. How many houses are left to be sold?

0 thoughts on “There are 48 new houses being built in a neighborhood. Last month, 1/3 of them were sold. This month, 3/4 of the remaining houses were sold.”

  1. Answer:

    8 houses

    Step-by-step explanation:

    1. 48:3=16 houses sold last month
    2. 48-16=32 houses remaining 3x(32:4)=3×8=24 houses sold this month
    3. 16+24=40 houses sold

    48-40=8 houses left to be sold


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