There are 45 students in a school play. 3/5 of the students are preforming and the remainder of students are pert of the backstage crew.


There are 45 students in a school play. 3/5 of the students are preforming and the remainder of students are pert of the backstage crew.

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Thiên Di 3 years 2021-08-26T13:05:55+00:00 1 Answers 7 views 0

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    Assuming the question is: How many students are performing:

    There are 45 students. The number of students performing is 3/5 of this total number of students.

    This number is actual figures is:

    = 3/5 * 45

    = 27 students

    The number of students in the backstage crew is therefore:

    = 45 – 27

    = 18 students

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