The sides of a triangle formed a geometric progression with a ratio r. For what values of r, it is possible?


The sides of a triangle formed a geometric progression with a ratio r. For what values of r, it is possible?

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Philomena 3 years 2021-08-31T22:24:48+00:00 1 Answers 2 views 0

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    ok so i really shouldnt get points for this, but i wanted to help. The person who solved the problem here:     is correct, but it is not very clear. Basically, he rounded to the third decimal point (since a sqrt has infinate decimals), and this might have been what got you the wrong answer. Basically the important thing is that r has to be between the (-1+√5)/2 and (1+√5)/2, or (-1+√5)/2 < r < (-1+√5)/2

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