The length of a rectangle is twice the width. The area is 338 yd. Find the length and the width.

The length of a rectangle is twice the width. The area is 338 yd. Find the length and the width.

0 thoughts on “The length of a rectangle is twice the width. The area is 338 yd. Find the length and the width.”

  1. The width is 13 and the length is 26.


    Area of rectangle = length x width

    Let x be the width of the rectangle and 2x be the length of the rectangle.

    2x * x= 338

    2x² = 338

    x² = 338/2

    x² = 169

    x² – 169 = 0

    (x)² – (13)² = 0

    (x-13)(x+13) = 0

    x – 13 = 0 or x + 13 = 0
    x = 13 or -13

    -13 is rejected, as length or width cannot be negative.

    Ans:The width is 13 and the length is 2 x 13 = 26.


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