The histogram shows how many jogging runs Maria made for each interval of miles. A histogram titled Maria’s Monthly Jogging has


The histogram shows how many jogging runs Maria made for each interval of miles.

A histogram titled Maria’s Monthly Jogging has miles run on the x-axis and number of runs on the y-axis. 1 to 1.99 miles is 2 runs; 2 to 2.99 miles is 5 runs; 3 to 3.99 miles is 5 runs; 4 to 4.99 miles is 3 runs; 5 to 5.99 miles is 4 runs; 6 to 6.99 is 7 runs; 7 to 7.99 miles is 4 runs.

Which statement about the histogram is true?

in progress 0
Khánh Gia 3 years 2021-08-19T10:16:50+00:00 2 Answers 13 views 0

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    xdkwifveoe eorkeirnrjrjjrjr



    The statement that would happen to be true would be the one that

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