The addition of chromic acid or chromate is a qualitative test for alcohols as the reaction causes a color change. However, not all alcohols


The addition of chromic acid or chromate is a qualitative test for alcohols as the reaction causes a color change. However, not all alcohols react with chromic acid or chromate. Determine whether the named alcohol will react with chromic acid or chromate to cause a color change.

a. 3-hexanol
b. 1 -butanol
c. 2-pentanol
d. 3-ethyl-3-pentanol

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Farah 4 years 2021-07-10T17:14:55+00:00 1 Answers 77 views 0

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    1 -butanol



    Let us recall that chromic acid or chromate are strong oxidizing agents. When they are oxidized, their colour changes from orange to green.

    This shows a reduction in chromic acid or chromate. The reaction of chromic acid or chromate with a primary alcohol yields a carboxylic acid while reaction with a secondary substrate yields an alkanal.

    Note that Tertiary alkyl halides are not be oxidized hence reactions involving a point where invitation carried along occur.

    3-ethyl-3-pentanol is a tertiary alkyl halide hence it can not be oxidized.

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