Several genes in humans in addition to the ABO gene (I ) give rise to recognizable antigens on the surface of red blood cells. The MN and Rh


Several genes in humans in addition to the ABO gene (I ) give rise to recognizable antigens on the surface of red blood cells. The MN and Rh genes are two examples. The Rh locus can contain either a positive or a negative allele, with positive being dominant to negative. M and N are codominant alleles of the MNgene. Suppose a child’s blood type is B MN Rh(neg). The mother’s blood type is O N Rh(neg). Check all of the blood types below that the father could have. (Assume no involvement of the Bombay phenotype; everyone is HH.)
a) O M Rh(neg)O M Rh(neg)
b) B MN Rh(pos)B MN Rh(pos)
c) A M Rh(pos)A M Rh(pos)
d) O MN Rh(pos)O MN Rh(pos)
e) B MM Rh(pos)B MM Rh(pos)
f) B NN Rh(neg)

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Eirian 3 years 2021-07-22T04:57:05+00:00 1 Answers 22 views 0

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