Polynomial functions can model situations that change directions multiple times. What is a situation in which a polynomial model might make

Polynomial functions can model situations that change directions multiple times. What is a situation in which a polynomial model might make sense and why?

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  1. Answer:

    While there are some very sophisticated physics analysis and even crypto currency calculations that use cubic equations, for this answer, probably the only answer that makes sense is trying to optimize the shape (use the least materials) of a box. the volume is Len x width x height…

    that would produce a cubic equation to optimize  

    Step-by-step explanation:

  2. variety of function types can model situations in the real world. Properties or key features of functions make them more or less appropriate models, depending on the situation. You might already know about these types of functions.

    Linear. These relationships have constant rates of change. The distance traveled by a car moving at a constant speed over time is linear.

    Exponential. Relationships that exhibit a percent change are exponential. The growth of a financial investment collecting interest over time is exponential.


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