One atom of chromium (Cr) has a mass of 52.00 amu. How many chromium atoms does it take to equal a mass of 52.00 g?

One atom of chromium (Cr) has a mass of 52.00 amu. How many chromium atoms does it take to equal a mass of 52.00 g?

0 thoughts on “One atom of chromium (Cr) has a mass of 52.00 amu. How many chromium atoms does it take to equal a mass of 52.00 g?”

  1. 1 chromium atom


    number of (Cr) atom =

    [tex] \frac{mass \: of \: cr}{molar \: mass \: (amu)} [/tex]

    n = m/M

    n = 52/52

    n= 1g


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