Jose drove to the mountains last weekend. There was heavy traffic on the way there, and the trip took 6 hours. When Jose drove home, there w

Jose drove to the mountains last weekend. There was heavy traffic on the way there, and the trip took 6 hours. When Jose drove home, there was no traffic
and the trip only took 4 hours. If his average rate was 22 miles per hour faster on the trip home, how far away does Jose live from the mountains?
Do not do any rounding.

0 thoughts on “Jose drove to the mountains last weekend. There was heavy traffic on the way there, and the trip took 6 hours. When Jose drove home, there w”

  1. Answer:

    88 miles

    Step-by-step explanation:

    Since Jose took 4 hours at the rate of 22 mph to get from the mountains to his house without any obstacles(traffic), you need to multiply the hours Jose took by his speed.

    4 x 22 = 88


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