Joey drags his 25kg brother across the floor with a force of 12 N to the right at a constant velocity. Determine the normal force and the f

Joey drags his 25kg brother across the floor with a force of 12 N to the right at a constant velocity. Determine the normal force and the frictional force applied to the little brother. Draw the force diagram before solving the problem.

0 thoughts on “Joey drags his 25kg brother across the floor with a force of 12 N to the right at a constant velocity. Determine the normal force and the f”

  1. Since the velocity is constant, using Newton’s First and Third Laws we know that the Friction and the Force are equal. So the friction is -12 Newtons.

    Now the Normal Force (N) is also equal to the weight since the body is at a perfect balance.

    So Weight is m*g = 25*10 = 250N

    So N=250N


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