In 1864, Louis Pasteur was asked to investigate diseases afflicting the wine in Arbois, France. He discovered that these diseases were cause


In 1864, Louis Pasteur was asked to investigate diseases afflicting the wine in Arbois, France. He discovered that these diseases were caused by micro-organisms that could be killed by heating the wine to 55 C for some time. What is this process called today that applies to milk?

A. Homeostasis

B. Replace this text with your second answer

C. Differentiation

D. Pasteurization

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Calantha 3 years 2021-08-19T09:54:50+00:00 1 Answers 12 views 0

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    D. Pasteurization


    -Pasteurization is the process by which foods or liquids usually destined for long-term storage are heated the quickly cooled to eliminate pathogens or bacteria.

    -The heating is mostly done at temperatures of around 212°F  for  atleast 30 minutes before the rapid coolind.

    -Bacteria or pathogens cannot survive these extreme temperatures and will therefore die in the process thus extending the shelf life of a product.

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