if the product of two consecutive even number is 224 find the number​

if the product of two consecutive even number is 224 find the number​

0 thoughts on “if the product of two consecutive even number is 224 find the number​”

  1. Let the first consecutive even number be x. The second one is going to be two more than x, and as such can be written as (x+2).

    The product of these numbers, x and (x+2), is 224:




    (x+16)(x-14) =0 (could also use ‘-b’ method)

    x=-16 or 14

    Therefore, (x+2) = -14 or 16

    Therefore, the numbers are either 14 and 16, or -14 and -16

  2. Answer:

    Let one integer be x, and the other be (x+2)



    (x+16)(x-14) =0

    x=-16 or 14

    so x+2 = -14 or 16

    So the integers are either 14 and 16 or -14 and -16.

    Step-by-step explanation:

    was that the question?


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