define load distance and effort distance​


define load distance and effort distance​

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Nick 3 years 2021-08-24T04:12:00+00:00 2 Answers 36 views 0

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    Load Distance: Distance a load moves when acted on by a load force. 8 Effort Force & Effort Distance Effort Force: Force exerted by a person (or motor) when using a machine to lift a load. Effort Distance: The distance over which the effort force acts in a simple machine


    Load Distance: Distance a load moves when acted on by a load force. 8 Effort Force & Effort Distance Effort Force: Force exerted by a person (or motor) when using a machine to lift a load. Effort Distance: The distance over which the effort force acts in a simple machine



    Distance a load moves when acted on by a load force. 8 Effort Force & Effort Distance Effort Force: Force exerted by a person (or motor) when using a machine to lift a load. Effort Distance: The distance over which the effort force acts in a simple machine.

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