Brainliest if correct How does a prism separate white light into various colors and why are the colors always in the same order?


Brainliest if correct

How does a prism separate white light into various colors and why are the colors always in the same order?

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Vân Khánh 4 years 2021-08-08T00:21:18+00:00 2 Answers 10 views 0

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    Light is distorted, or refracted, as it travels through a prism, by the angles and plane faces of the prism, and each wavelength is refracted by a significantly different number. As a result, all of the colors in the sun’s white light split into the different color bands that make up a rainbow.


    I believe that there is a spectrum of light in which we can see. When the white light enters the prism, it is refracted and bends into the visible light we can see of the spectrum.

    The reason we always see the spectrum in the same order is because it is how our brain perceives it. Animals could see it in a different order, etc. This is just how the human brain sees it.

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