Between the numbers 15/20 and 35/40 , the greater number is a. 15/20 b. 20/15 c. 35/40 d. 45/30

Between the numbers 15/20 and 35/40 , the greater number is
a. 15/20 b. 20/15 c. 35/40 d. 45/30

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  1. [tex]\sf{\bold{\blue{\underline{\underline{Given}}}}}[/tex]

    • ⠀the numbers 15/20 and 35/40⠀⠀⠀



    • the greater number is


    we have to find the greater number between 15/20 and 35/40

    To do this,

    we have to compare the denominator same.

    • [tex]\sf{\dfrac{35}{40}=\dfrac{35×1}{40×1}=\dfrac{35}{40} }[/tex]
    • [tex]\sf{\dfrac{15}{20}=\dfrac{15×2}{20×2}=\dfrac{30}{40} }[/tex]

    According to the question,

    we have to find the greatest one

    • [tex]\sf{\dfrac{35}{40} > \dfrac{30}{40} }[/tex]
    • [tex]\sf{\dfrac{35}{40}>\dfrac{15}{20} }[/tex]



    [tex]\therefore\mathrm{\dfrac{35}{40} > \dfrac{15}{20} }[/tex]


  2. Answer:


    Step-by-step explanation:

    To compare, both denominator should be same.

    [tex]\frac{15}{20}=\frac{15*2}{20*2}=\frac{30}{40}\\\\\\\frac{30}{40} \ < \ \frac{35}{40}\\\\\\\frac{15}{20} \ < \ \frac{35}{40}[/tex]


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