A system engine generating 5 hp is raising a load weighting 2000 lb. How high will the load be raised in 10s?

A system engine generating 5 hp is raising a load weighting 2000 lb. How high will the load be raised in 10s?

0 thoughts on “A system engine generating 5 hp is raising a load weighting 2000 lb. How high will the load be raised in 10s?”

  1. Answer:

    h = 44.5 m


    Given that,

    Power of the engine, P = 5 hP = 3728.5 W

    Weight of the load, W = 2000 lb = 8900  kg

    We need to find how high the load be raised in 10 s.

    We know that,

    Power, [tex]P=\dfrac{W}{t}[/tex]


    W is work done


    1 Pound = 4.45 newtons earth (N)

    [tex]P=\dfrac{F\times h}{t}\\\\h=\dfrac{Pt}{F}\\\\h=\dfrac{8900\times 10}{2000}\\\\h=44.5\ m[/tex]

    So, the height raised by the load is 44.5 m.


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