A student dropped a piece of silver metal into a solution of HCl(aq). He observed the formation of gas bubbles and collected the gas into an


A student dropped a piece of silver metal into a solution of HCl(aq). He observed the formation of gas bubbles and collected the gas into another test tube. The student performed a splint test and observed that the splint produced a popping sound when he placed the splint into the test tube of the gas. What can be said about the results of this students experiment?

a. The student performed the splint test incorrectly. He should of observed the splint flare up when the splint was placed in the test tube.
b. The student completed the experiment correctly and there were no errors in the experiment.
c. The experiment was performed incorrectly. Silver doesn’t react with HCl. Therefore, the student picked up the wrong metal when conducting the experiment.
d. The student performed the splint test incorrectly. He should of observed the flame being extinguished when the splint was placed in the test tube.

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RobertKer 4 years 2021-07-10T17:09:10+00:00 1 Answers 36 views 0

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    The student completed the experiment correctly and there were no errors in the experiment.


    When a pea size amount of Ag is dropped into a solution of HCl, the following reaction occurs;

    Ag(s) + 2HCl(aq) —-> AgCl(aq) + H2(g)

    The gas H2 burns with a pop sound. The gas obtained does not react to litmus. The products of the reaction are expected.

    Hence, the experiment was properly conducted and the student completed the experiment correctly and there were no errors in the experiment.

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