A student dropped a piece of nickel metal into a solution of HCl(aq). He observed the formation of gas bubbles and collected the gas into an


A student dropped a piece of nickel metal into a solution of HCl(aq). He observed the formation of gas bubbles and collected the gas into another test tube. The student performed a splint test and observed that the splint flared up when he placed the splint into the test tube of the gas. What can be said about the results of this students experiment?

a. The student performed the splint test incorrectly. He should of observed a popping sound when the splint was placed in the test tube.
b. The experiment was performed incorrectly. Nickel doesn’t react with HCl. Therefore, the student picked up the wrong metal when conducting the experiment.
c. The student completed the experiment correctly and there were no errors in the experiment.
d. The student performed the splint test incorrectly. He should of observed the flame being extinguished when the splint was placed in the test tube.

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Sigridomena 4 years 2021-07-10T16:46:59+00:00 1 Answers 17 views 0

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    a. The student performed the splint test incorrectly. He should of observed a popping sound when the splint was placed in the test tube.


    It is given that a student performed an experiment where he dropped a nickel metal in to HCl solution. He observed the reaction and performed a splint test in the test tube that is filled with a gas which is formed while Nickle is dropped into the solution of HCl.

    But the experiment that the student performed was incorrect. He must have observed the popping sound when the splint was placed in the test tube.

    When the splint was added to the gas splint flared up. The hydrogen gas pops out when exposed to the flame.

    $Ni + HCl(aq) = NiCl + H_2$

    Thus the correct option is (a).

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