a piston cylinder device contains 2kg of water at 27°c . the pressure of the system is 3 MPa. then the heat is added to the water , keeping


a piston cylinder device contains 2kg of water at 27°c . the pressure of the system is 3 MPa. then the heat is added to the water , keeping the pressure constant, until the temperature of the system reaches 340°c , during the heat addition, the volume of the cylinder is expected by 0.075m³ . determine.

1) the work done.

2) the heat addition between 27°c to 100°c.

{specific heat capacity of water-4186J/kgK​

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Tài Đức 3 years 2021-08-25T17:46:32+00:00 1 Answers 5 views 0

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    asi que sobre todo lol siento soy mexican y agora no se Como escribir en ingles

    soi aamso jodidamente lol siento que me enfrie want thig ror youasi que sobre todo lol siento soy mexican y agora no se Como escribir en ingles

    soi aamso jodidamente lol siento que me enfrie want thig ror you

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