A meteoroid, heading straight for Earth, has a speed of v = 11.5 km/s relative to the center of Earth as it crosses an orbit, a distance of


A meteoroid, heading straight for Earth, has a speed of v = 11.5 km/s relative to the center of Earth as it crosses an orbit, a distance of r = 7.5×10^8 m from the earth’s center. What is the meteroid’s speed as it hits the earth? Neglect the effects of the moon, Earth’s atmosphere, and any motion of the earth. (G = 6.67×10^−11 N • m2/kg2, M earth = 5.98×10^24 kg, R earth= 6.37×10^6 m.)

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Tryphena 3 years 2021-08-19T10:06:48+00:00 1 Answers 14 views 0

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    A meteoroid, heading straight for Earth, has a speed of v = 11.5 km/s relative to the center of Earth as it crosses an orbit, a distance of r = 7.5×10^8 m from the earth’s center. What is the meteroid’s speed as it hits the earth? Neglect the effects of the moon, Earth’s atmosphere, and any motion of the earth. (G = 6.67×10^−11 N • m2/kg2, M earth = 5.98×10^24 kg, R earth= 6.37×10^6 m.)

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