A mechanic charged $220.28 to repair a car. The price included charges for 3 hours of labor and $126.53 for parts. How much does

A mechanic charged $220.28 to repair a car. The price included charges for 3 hours of labor and $126.53 for parts.

How much does the mechanic charge per hour for labor?

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0 thoughts on “A mechanic charged $220.28 to repair a car. The price included charges for 3 hours of labor and $126.53 for parts. How much does”

  1. 31.25
    Step-by-step explanation:
    $220.28 = Charge
    $126.53 = Parts
    $220.28 – $126.53 = $93.75
    We have to find out the mechanic charge for an hour.
    The mechanic charged $93.75 for 3 hour. So we divide $93.75 into 3 which is $31.25.


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