A football coach walks 24 meters eastward, then 12 meters westward, then 36 meters eastward, and finally 22 meters westward. What is the mag

A football coach walks 24 meters eastward, then 12 meters westward, then 36 meters eastward, and finally 22 meters westward. What is the magnitude and direction of the displacement?

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  1. Answer:

    Magnitude = 26 m

    Direction = eastward


    Given that a football coach walks 24 meters eastward, then 12 meters westward, then 36 meters eastward, and finally 22 meters westward. What is the magnitude and direction of the displacement?

    Let eastward be positive and westward be negative.

    Magnitude = 24 – 12 + 36 – 22

    Magnitude = 60 – 34

    Magnitude = 26

    Since the answer is positive, the direction will be eastward.


    Magnitude = 26 m

    Direction = eastward


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