a device has a least count of 0.01m if it measures a length less than 100m the minimum and maximum number of significant figure are a)


a device has a least count of 0.01m if it measures a length less than 100m the minimum and maximum number of significant figure are
a)1 and 2
B)2 and 3
C)1 and 4
D) 0 and 2

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Dulcie 3 years 2021-08-19T10:35:56+00:00 1 Answers 6 views 0

Answers ( )



    C) 1 and 4


    Least count is .01 m . If one measures any number between 100 and 99 , it will be like 99.25 or 99.37 m . So number of significant figure will be 4 ( maximum )

    The least one can measure is .01 so least number of significant figure possible is 1 .

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