5. A plumber earns $110 for a repair job, plus an additional $35 per hour he works. On Tuesday, he completed 3 repair jobs and earned

5. A plumber earns $110 for a repair job, plus an additional $35 per hour he works. On Tuesday, he
completed 3 repair jobs and earned a total of more than $960.
Part A: Write an inequality that can be used to determine h, the number of hours the
plumber worked, on Tuesday. *

0 thoughts on “5. A plumber earns $110 for a repair job, plus an additional $35 per hour he works. On Tuesday, he completed 3 repair jobs and earned”

  1. Answer:

    $330 + $35h > $960

    Step-by-step explanation:

    To begin, you would multiply 3 by $110 since the plumber made that amount for each repair job and he had 3 repair jobs that day, giving an answer of $330.

    Next, you would multiply h by $35 since that’s how much he makes an hour and the h represents how many hours he worked.

    Next step, add together the $330 and the $35h, which would just look like $330 + $35h.

    Next would be the inequality sign. The problem explicitly states that his earnings equaled more than $960. Because of this, you would use a greater than sign, with the $330 + $35h being greater than the $960.

    Finally, after writing it all down, you should get a final answer of $330 + $35h > $960.

    Hope this helps!


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