3 Stars and 5 Hearts is worth 27 points. 5 Stars and 7 Hearts is worth 41 points. How many points is 1 Star and 1 Heart worth?

3 Stars and 5 Hearts is worth 27 points. 5 Stars and 7 Hearts is worth 41 points. How many points is 1 Star and 1 Heart worth?

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  1. Answer:

    1 star = 4 points

    1 heart = 3 points

    Step-by-step explanation:

    3 stars (each star is 4 points) = 3 x 4 = 12

    5 hearts (each heart is 3 points) = 5 x 3 = 15

    12 + 15 = 27

    This applies to the other eaxmple as well.


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