2 A person that is 6 feet tall casts a shadow that is 2.5 feet long. At the same time, a 120 foot tall building casts a shadow. What i

A person that is 6 feet tall casts a shadow that is 2.5 feet long. At the same time, a 120 foot tall building casts a shadow. What is the length of the shadow?

0 thoughts on “2 A person that is 6 feet tall casts a shadow that is 2.5 feet long. At the same time, a 120 foot tall building casts a shadow. What i”

  1. Answer:

    The building’s shadow is 50 ft

    Step-by-step explanation:

    [tex]\frac{6}{2.5} =\frac{120}{x} \\\\6x=300\\x=50[/tex]


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