1. For each of the following scenarios, describe the force providing the centripetal force for the motion: a. a car making a turn b. a child


1. For each of the following scenarios, describe the force providing the centripetal force for the motion: a. a car making a turn b. a child swinging around a pole c. a person sitting on a bench facing the center of a carousel d. a rock swinging on a string e. the Earth orbiting the Sun.

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Ngọc Khuê 3 years 2021-08-31T22:35:09+00:00 1 Answers 107 views 0

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    Complete Question

    For each of the following scenarios, describe the force providing the centripetal force for the motion:

    a. a car making a turn

    b. a child swinging around a pole

    c. a person sitting on a bench facing the center of a carousel

    d. a rock swinging on a string

    e. the Earth orbiting the Sun.


    Considering a

        The force providing the centripetal force is the frictional force on the tires \

              i.e  \mu mg  =  \frac{mv^2}{r}

        where \mu is the coefficient of static friction

    Considering b

       The force providing the centripetal force is the force experienced by the boys  hand on the pole

    Considering c

         The force providing the centripetal force is the normal from the bench due to the boys weight

    Considering d

         The force providing the centripetal force is the tension on the string

    Considering e

          The force providing the centripetal force is the force of gravity between the earth and the sun


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