Airfare from Atlanta, GA to Nashville, TN was decreased from $250 to $180. By what percentage did the cost of the airfare change <

Airfare from Atlanta, GA to Nashville, TN was decreased from $250 to $180. By what percentage did the cost of the airfare change

this is junior high math

1 thought on “Airfare from Atlanta, GA to Nashville, TN was decreased from $250 to $180. By what percentage did the cost of the airfare change <”

  1. Step-by-step explanation:
    100% = $250
    1% = 100%/100 = 250/100 = $2.50
    the price decreased by
    250 – 180 = $70
    how many % are $70 ?
    as many as how many times 1% ($2.50) fits into $70 :
    70 / 2.50 = 28%
    it changed (decreased) by 28%.


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