Juan needs to earn $500 to buy a bike. He already has $200 in the bank. If he earns $9 per hour at his job. If x represents

Juan needs to earn $500 to buy a bike. He already has $200 in the bank. If he earns $9 per hour at his job. If
x represents hours, which inequality could you use to find at least how many hours he has to work to buy it?

1 thought on “Juan needs to earn $500 to buy a bike. He already has $200 in the bank. If he earns $9 per hour at his job. If x represents”

  1. Answer:
    Step-by-step explanation:
    First, let’s figure out how much more Juan needs to buy a bike: 500-200=300. He earns 9/hr of work. We can now use this information to find the inequality: 300/9=33.3
    So Juan needs to work 33.3 hours at least to earn enough money. So therefore he has to work 33.3 hours to earn $300.


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