arthur walks 3 km north, and then turns east and walks 4 km. what is distance traveled and his displacement?

arthur walks 3 km north, and then turns east and walks 4 km. what is distance traveled and his displacement?

1 thought on “arthur walks 3 km north, and then turns east and walks 4 km. what is distance traveled and his displacement?”

  1. If arthur walks 3 km north, and then turns east and walks 4 km. The  distance traveled  is 7km and his displacement is 5km.

    Distance travelled and displacement

    Distance traveled:
    Distance traveled = Km north + East Km
    Distance traveled  = 3 km + 4 km
    Distance traveled  = 7 km
    Using  Pythagoras theorem to determine  or find the displacement
    B² = A ²+AB²
    B² = 3 ² +4 ²
    B = 9+16
    B = √ 25
    B = 5 km
    Therefore the 7km is the distance and 5km is the displacement.
    Learn more about Distance travelled here:


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