One 15-year old tree makes enough paper for only 700 grocery bags. A busy grocery store can hand these out in about 1 hour. in 8 hours , thi

One 15-year old tree makes enough paper for only 700 grocery bags. A busy grocery store can hand these out in about 1 hour. in 8 hours , this busy store consumed 5,600 grocery bags. How many 15-years old trees will it take to make all these bags?

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0 thoughts on “One 15-year old tree makes enough paper for only 700 grocery bags. A busy grocery store can hand these out in about 1 hour. in 8 hours , thi”

  1. Answer:


    Step-by-step explanation:

    if one tree equals 700 bags, then you would divide the amount of bags that were used, 5600, by 700 to get answer. 5600 divided by 700 = 8


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