Miranda has 5/8 of a yard of ribbon. if she used 1/3 of it to make a hair bow, how much ribbon would she have left. PLEASE HELP ME

Miranda has 5/8 of a yard of ribbon. if she used 1/3 of it to make a hair bow, how much ribbon would she have left. PLEASE HELP ME ILL GIVE U BRAINLIEST RIGHT AWAY THXS HELPPPPPP

2 thoughts on “Miranda has 5/8 of a yard of ribbon. if she used 1/3 of it to make a hair bow, how much ribbon would she have left. PLEASE HELP ME”

  1. Answer: 5/12
    Step-by-step explanation:
    Step 1
    Whenever you have something OF  something, you just mulltiply.
    1/3 of  5/8=  
    She used 5/24, and started with 5/8
    5/8-5/24= 5/12  left

  2. [tex]\textsf {Finding the LCM of the 2 quantities :}[/tex]
    [tex]\implies \mathsf {3 \times 8}[/tex]
    [tex]\implies \mathsf {LCM = 24}[/tex]
    [tex]\textsf {Now, take the given quantites with our LCM as the denominator}\\\textsf {and subtract used value from the total :}[/tex]
    [tex]\implies \mathsf {\frac{5}{8} – \frac{1}{3} \times \frac{5}{8}}[/tex]
    [tex]\implies \mathsf {\frac{15}{24} – \frac{5}{24}}[/tex]
    [tex]\implies \mathsf {\frac{10}{24} = \frac{5}{12}}[/tex]
    [tex]\textsf {Therefore, Miranda will have}[/tex]  [tex]\mathsf {\frac{5}{12}}[/tex] [tex]\textsf {of the ribbon left. }[/tex]


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