Members of a lacrosse team raised $1581.75 to go to a tournament. They rented a bus for $968.50 and budgeted $55.75 per player for

Members of a lacrosse team raised $1581.75 to go to a tournament. They rented a bus for $968.50 and budgeted $55.75 per player for meals.
Write and solve an equation that can be used to determine p, the number of players the team can bring to the tournament.

2 thoughts on “Members of a lacrosse team raised $1581.75 to go to a tournament. They rented a bus for $968.50 and budgeted $55.75 per player for”

  1. Answer:
    1581.75 = 55.75p + 968.5
    Step-by-step explanation:
    subtract 968.5 from both sides
    613.5 = 55.75p
    divide both sides
    11 = p

  2. The number of players the team can bring to the tournament will be 11.

    What is a linear equation?

    A linear equation is an equation that has the variable of the highest power of 1. The standard form of a linear equation is of the form Ax + B = 0.
    It is given that the Members of a lacrosse team raised $1581.75 to go to a tournament. They all rented a bus for $968.50 and budgeted $55.75 per player for meals.
    Then an equation that can be used to determine p, the number of players the team can bring to the tournament will be;
    1581.75 = 55.75p + 968.5
    Now subtract 968.5 from both sides;
    613.5 = 55.75p
    Then divide both sides;
    11 = p
    Therefore, the number of players the team can bring to the tournament will be 11.
    Learn more about linear equations;


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