Kyle has a storage box in the shape of a rectangular prism. The box has a square base with sides that are three feet long. The height of the

Kyle has a storage box in the shape of a rectangular prism. The box has a square base with sides that are three feet long. The height of the storage box is 6 feet. What is the volume of Kyle’s storage box?

0 thoughts on “Kyle has a storage box in the shape of a rectangular prism. The box has a square base with sides that are three feet long. The height of the”

  1. Answer: [tex]54\ ft^3[/tex]

    Step-by-step explanation:


    The base side of the box is 3 ft long

    The height of the box is 6 ft

    For the square base, length and width is the same

    Volume of rectangular prism is  [tex]V=l\times w\times h[/tex]

    Putting the values

    [tex]\Rightarrow V=3\times 3\times 6\\\Rightarrow V=54\ ft^3[/tex]

    The volume of the box is [tex]54\ ft^3[/tex]


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