Jack can build 1/5 of a shed in the same time Kyle build 5/8 of a shed. How much of a shed will jack have built when Kyle has finished build

Jack can build 1/5 of a shed in the same time Kyle build 5/8 of a shed. How much of a shed will jack have built when Kyle has finished building 1 shed.

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  1. Answer:

    Step-by-step explanation:

    If Kyle can get 5/8 of a shed built in x amount of time, he can get 62.5% done; if Jack can get 1/5 of the shed built in the same time, he can 20% of it done. As a ratio:

    [tex]\frac{Kyle}{Jack}:\frac{62.5}{20}[/tex]  Kyle gets the whole thing done, 100% of the way, leaving Jack lagging behind at a somewhat lower percentage of the work being done.

    [tex]\frac{Kyle}{Jack}:\frac{62.5}{20}=\frac{100}{x}[/tex] and cross multiply to solve for the percentage of the shed built by Jack by the time Kyle gets it completed:

    62.5x = 2000 so

    x = 32%


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