In a certain clothing store, 6 shirts and 3 ties cost $79.50, and 3 shirts and 2 ties cost $41. Determine the cost of each shirt.<

In a certain clothing store, 6 shirts and 3 ties cost $79.50, and 3 shirts and 2 ties cost $41. Determine the cost of each shirt.

a) $10.00
b) $11.00
c) $12.00

1 thought on “In a certain clothing store, 6 shirts and 3 ties cost $79.50, and 3 shirts and 2 ties cost $41. Determine the cost of each shirt.<”

  1. The price of shirt is $12 and the price of tie is $2.5.
    According to the statement
    We have given that:
    Let money spent on shirt = X and money spent on tie is Y.
    So, 6X + 3Y = $79.5 and 3X + 2Y = $41 then
    We have to find the the cost of each shirts.
    Here we use the Elimination method.
    6X + 3Y = $79.5  -(1)
    3X + 2Y = $41  -(2)
    By elimination method
    Multiply (1) by 3 and (2) by 6 then
    18X + 9Y = $238.5
    18X + 12Y = $246
    Then solve it and equation become
    -3Y = -$7.5
    Y = 2.5
    It means the cost of tie is $2.5 and now the cost of shirt is
    6X + 3Y = $79.5  
    6X + 3(2.5) = $79.5  
    6X + 7.5 = $79.5  
    6X = $72
    X = $12.
    So, The price of shirt is $12 and the price of tie is $2.5.
    Learn more about Elimination method here


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