I’m thinking of a number. When you multiply it by 3 and subtract 10 you will get a number less than 5. Form an inequality and solve it to de

I’m thinking of a number. When you multiply it by 3 and subtract 10 you will get a number less than 5. Form an inequality and solve it to describe the range of possible numbers

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  1. Answer:


    Step-by-step explanation:

    Let x be equal to the number.

    We can use what the question gives us to directly form a mathematical statement. When you multiply it by 3 (3x) and then subtract 10 (3x-10) you will get a number less than 5 (<5). Using this, our mathematical statement would look like this:


    To find the range of possible values, we must solve the inequality and isolate x.


    Add 10 to both sides


    Divide both sides by 3


    I hope this helps!


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