g A has all the mass at the rim, while wheel B has the mass uniformly distributed, like a solid disk. The wheels have the same mass. The sam

g A has all the mass at the rim, while wheel B has the mass uniformly distributed, like a solid disk. The wheels have the same mass. The same torque is applied to both wheels. Which one accelerates faster in response to this torque?

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  1. Answer:

    The rim accelerates faster than the disk in response to the torque.



    For the rim:

    mass = M

    radius = R

    The moment of inertia is:

    [tex]I_{A} =MR^{2}[/tex]

    For the disc:

    mass = M

    radius = 2R

    The moment of inertia is:

    [tex]I_{B} =\frac{1}{2} M(2R)^{2} =2MR^{2}[/tex]

    If the same torque is applied, thus:

    [tex]\tau _{A} =\tau _{B} \\I_{A}\alpha _{A} =I_{B}\alpha _{B} \\MR^{2}\alpha _{A}=2MR^{2}\alpha _{B} \\\alpha _{A}=2\alpha _{B}[/tex]

    According to this result, the rim accelerates faster than the disk.

  2. Answer:

    The second wheel


    The torque is given by

    [tex]\tau=I\alpha[/tex]   (1)

    where I is the moment of inertia and a is the angular acceleration. If we take into account the moment of inertia of a disk and a ring ()for the first wheel) we have:


    where we used that both wheel have the same mass. By replacing in (1) we obtain:


    Hence, the second wheel (the disk) has a greater acceleration.

    hope this help!!


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