Factor by grouping: 16x³ +28x² – 28x – 49 = 0 A) (4x²-7) (4x + 7) = 0 B (4x² + 7) (4x + 7) = 0 C(4x² + 7) (4x –

Factor by grouping: 16x³ +28x² – 28x – 49 = 0
A) (4x²-7) (4x + 7) = 0
B (4x² + 7) (4x + 7) = 0
C(4x² + 7) (4x – 7) = 0
D (4x² – 7) (4x – 7) = 0

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  1. Factor by grouping: 16x³ +28x² – 28x – 49 = 0 is  (4x² – 7) (4x – 7) = 0

    What is factoring by grouping?

    Large polynomials can be divided into groups based on a common factor. As a result, we may factor each distinct group and then merge like words. We refer to this as factoring by grouping.
    We have the equation,
    16x³ +28x² – 28x – 49 = 0
    In order to solve the equation by using factor by grouping:
    We find common terms in between,
    So, we arrange the terms,
    16x³ +28x² – 28x – 49 = 0
    4x² (4x – 7) -7 (4x – 7) = 0
    Here, we have common term (4x-7).
    Factor out the common binomial.
    (4x² – 7) (4x – 7) = 0
    Therefore, (4x² – 7) (4x – 7) = 0 is the factor.
    To learn more about the factoring by grouping;


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