Emelia is booking a flight to San Francisco. The airline charges 5270 for the ticket and 16% for taxes and fees. How much will Emelia pay fo

Emelia is booking a flight to San Francisco. The airline charges 5270 for the ticket and 16% for taxes and fees. How much will Emelia pay for her flight?
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  1. 10% of 5270 = $527
    5% of 5270 = $263.50
    1% of 5270 = $52.70
    6% of 5270= $316.20
    16% of 5270 = $843.20

    $843.20 + $5270 = $6113.20
    ^ answer

    sorry if it’s long lol i wanted to break it down as much as possible

  2. ANSWER:

    There is two ways to make an expression to solve this which is
    y = 1.16x
    y = x + 0.16x

    Here is the explanation for the first expression, it is more thorough:

    The airline makes her pay x amount in dollars for the ticket alone. Then, the airline charges an additional 16% of that x amount. Just a policy they’ve required.
    y = x + 0.16x

    • x is the ticket price
    • 0.16x is 16% of that ticket price

    Plug x with the initial charge amount:
    y = 5270 + 0.16(5270)
    y = 6113.20


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