Can anyone please answer these? Who ever answers correctly will be marked brainliest. 1. Find the absolute value of |8 + y| when

Can anyone please answer these? Who ever answers correctly will be marked brainliest.

1. Find the absolute value of |8 + y| when y = 2

2. Find the absolute value of |-8 + y| when y = -2

3. Simplify: 4 + |x + 2| when x = -5​

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  1. Answer:



    3) 7

    Step-by-step explanation:

    Modulus means we always take the positive value for example

    |-3| = +3

    1) Find the absolute value of |8 + y| when y = 2

    [tex]|8+2| \\|10|\\10[/tex]

    2) Find the absolute value of |-8 + y| when y = -2


    3) Simplify 4 + |x + 2| when x = -5

    [tex]4 + |x + 2|\\4+|-5+2|\\4+|-3|\\4+3\\7[/tex]


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